Latest news on Liverpool City Region Local Nature Partnership
A range of partners across Liverpool City Region are working together to put forward a submission to Government to form a Local Nature Partnership.
Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs) were introduced in Defra’s Natural Environment White Paper The Natural Choice: securing the value of nature, published in 2011, recognising that partnership working is essential to deliver strategic ambitions for the natural environment at a local level. The White Paper defines LNPs as ‘self-sustaining strategic partnerships of a broad range of local organisations, businesses and people. They will help their local areas to manage the natural environment as a system and to embed its value in local decisions for the benefit of nature, people and the economy’.
Follow this link for more details or see the list of transitional steering group members here.
What is biodiversity?
© Richard Burkmar/MEAS
Common Centaury on the Ainsdale Dunes
Biodiversity is the variety of life. It includes all species of plants and animals and the complex ecosystems of which they are a part.
Biodiversity is the variety of life. It includes all species of plants and animals and the complex ecosystems of which they are a part. Biodiversity Action Plans were born out of the ‘Convention on Biological Diversity‘ signed at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro by a number of governments including the UK government. The North Merseyside Biodiversity Action Plan focuses on local priorities and also implements national biodiversity targets.
What is the Merseyside Biodiversity Group?
The Merseyside Biodiversity Group was formed in 1997 to progress biodiversity action within Merseyside. It is a partnership of local authorities, statutory agencies, conservation organisations, higher education institutions and local people. The most important element of this partnership is the local community.
In our vision Merseyside is a place where biodiversity flourishes; where everybody helps to nurture and enhance our biodiversity; and where biodiversity is a natural consideration in policies and in society as a whole.
In our vision Merseyside is a place where biodiversity flourishes; where everybody helps to nurture and enhance our biodiversity; and where biodiversity is a natural consideration in policies and in society as a whole.
See partners/links section for a list of group members.
What area do we cover?
The North Merseyside area consists of Liverpool, Knowsley, St Helens and Sefton. Close links are also maintained with Wirral. North Merseyside has a rich variety of life to celebrate and conserve. We have a stunning array of habitats and species, some of which are found nowhere else.
© Richard Burkmar/EAS
The Ainsdale Dunes
The North Merseyside Biodiversity Action Plan
The North Merseyside Biodiversity Action Plan aims to help local people become more aware of the area’s natural environment and the issues facing it.
The Plan is not a single published document, but instead comprises a number of individual Species & Habitat Action Plans and a Business Plan
The Plan is not a single published document, but instead comprises a number of individual Species & Habitat Action Plans and a Business Plan to prioritise work for conservation over the next few years. All of these documents, as well as a great deal more supplementary information, are available from this website. There are a total of 44 habitat and species action plans; each one describing the current status of the habitat or species, issues affecting its well-being, conservation objectives & targets and actions to meet them.