Progress Reports

Reporting on progress

The Merseyside Biodiversity Group uses several avenues to report on progress towards targets for the North Merseyside Biodiversity Action Plan (NM BAP). We ensure that the progress is credited regionally and nationally by entering it on the national Biodiversity Action Reporting System (BARS). BARS is used to monitor the progress of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan and ensure that the UK meets its international obligations on conserving biodiversity through local action. The last ‘national round’ of reporting on BARS was completed during Spring 2006, but will be updated on an ongoing basis by the Merseyside Biodiversity Group in association with its partners.

Periodic reviews

Locally we carry out periodic comprehensive reviews of progress.

The first major review was conducted in 2002 and a comprehensive five year review was undertaken in Autmun 2006 

The first major review was conducted in 2002 and a comprehensive five year review was undertaken in Autmun 2006 . You can download these reports here:

2002 Monitoring Report
2006 Five Year Progress Report


Periodically we also produce a more informal newsletter which is widely distributed to partners and interested parties. You can see previous editions of the newsletter by selecting the links below.

February 2007 Newsletter
October 2006 Newsletter
April 2006 Newsletter
September 2005 Newsletter
February 2005 Newsletter
December 2004 Newsletter

If you would like to receive copies of new editions of the newsletter as they are produced, then please send an email to the North Merseyside Biodiversity Manager and ask to be added to the distribution list

If you would like to receive copies of new editions of the newsletter as they are produced, then please send an email to the North Merseyside Biodiversity Manager and ask to be added to the distribution list.

Various reports

Some of the projects which contribute towards the NM BAP’s targets produce their own reports. Where these are of particular relevance, we endeavour to make them available from this website. You can see copies of reports by selecting the links below.

Lapwings were surveyed across Merseyside and Lancashire in 2002
Lapwing survey 2002-2003
House Sparrow survey 2002-2003

Knowsley Phase I habitat survey
St Helens Phase I habitat survey
Sefton Phase I habitat survey (part 1)
Sefton Phase I habitat survey (part 2)

Local Wildlife Sites Monitoring Report 2004 and 2005
Local Wildlife Sites Monitoring Report 2007
Local Wildlife Sites Monitoring Report 2008
Local Wildlife Sites Monitoring Report 2009
Local Wildlife Sites Monitoring Report 2010

Red Squirrel Monitoring Report Spring 2007
Red Squirrel Monitoring Report 2007

Other documents

From time to time, the Merseyside Biodiversity Group may produce documents that pertain to the wider objectives of conserving biodiversity in North Merseyside but which are not related to specific Habitat or Species Action Plans. These are available here.

Biodiversity Duty for Local Authorities
Biodiversity Duty for Local Authorities (low res version)

North Merseyside Local Wildlife Sites Guidelines

Merseyside Biodiversity Group Management Group minutes

The Merseyside Biodiversity Group Management Group meets roughly once every six weeks. This group is the steering group for the Local Biodiversity Manager and the NM BAP. Minutes of these meetings, starting with the meeting in February 2007, are now publicly available. The minutes of each meeting are published after they are approved at the next MBG MG meeting. These are therefore published a month ‘in arrears’.

MBG MG minutes, February 2007
MBG MG minutes, April 2007
MBG MG minutes, June 2007
MBG MG minutes, July 2007
MBG MG minutes, September 2007
MBG MG minutes, October 2007
MBG MG minutes, November 2007
MBG MG minutes, January 2008
MBG MG minutes, February 2008
MBG MG minutes, April 2008
MBG MG minutes, June 2008
MBG MG minutes, January 2009
MBG MG minutes, March 2009
MBG MG minutes, June 2009
MBG MG minutes, July 2009
MBG MG minutes, September 2009

Local Biodiversity Manager’s reports

For each Merseyside Biodiversity Group Management Group meeting, the Local Biodiversity Manager produces a report. These reports, starting with the one produced for the MBG MG meeting in February 2007, are now publicly available.

LBM’s report, February 2007
LBM’s report, April 2007
LBM’s report, June 2007
LBM’s report, July 2007
LBM’s report, September 2007
LBM’s report, October 2007
LBM’s report, November 2007
LBM’s report, January 2008
LBM’s report, February 2008
LBM’s report, April 2008
LBM’s report, June 2008
LBM’s report, July 2008
LBM’s report, March 2009
LBM’s report, June 2009

Let us know

This website will be regularly updated with news relating to North Merseyside’s biodiversity and accounts of progress towards the NM BAP targets. If you have any news, stories or other information of interest, please contact the North Merseyside Biodiversity Manager so that the website can be updated accordingly, or submit a report directly from this webiste.

If your news relates to a specific Species Action Plan or Habitat Action Plan, then you can also follow the links to the relevant plan, select the ‘Current status’ link and submit a report directly from that page.