North Merseyside Local Wildlife Site selection guidelines outline the rules by which Local Wildlife Sites in North Merseyside are selected. These rules include thresholds, some of which are tailored specifically to a taxonomic group. Species that meet those thresholds are considered local conservation priorities ensuring that we maintain an evidence led approach to delivering local… Read More »
These guidelines and site selection have been based upon the dragonfly atlas (White, SJ & Smith PH. 2015. The Dragonflies of Lancashire and North Merseyside. Lancashire & Cheshire Fauna Society.)
Od1 Any site which regularly supports a breeding population of ten or more species of dragonfly or damselfly.
Od2 Any site which regularly supports a breeding population of a rare or scarce North Merseyside breeding species
The Sefton Coast sand-dune system is considered to be nationally important for this group of insects with 11 breeding species.
Another regionally important locality is Colliers (Bold) Moss, St Helens with 17 species recorded in recent years, 14 of them regularly breeding.
Red-eyed Damselfly breeds at only one locality, Eccleston Dams in St Helens.