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- Create Date August 7, 2008
- Last Updated January 6, 2020
1. Current Status
1.1 European and National
1.1.1 Coastal sand dunes are a declining and threatened habitat throughout Europe and the UK, particularly fixed dune and dune heath types. Their
current status across Europe is “unfavourable declining”.
1.1.2 The total area of coastal sand dune in the UK is 54,500 ha: 11,897 ha in England; 8,101 ha Wales; approximately 33,000 ha in Scotland; 3000
ha in Northern Ireland. The current status in the UK is “unfavourable” with some improvements.
1.2 Local
1.2.1 The Sefton Coast dunes cover 2,074 ha, approximately 15% of the total for England. A range of habitats, identified under Corine codes, includes embryo dunes, shifting dunes, fixed dunes, dunes with creeping willow, humid dune slacks, dune heath, and dunes with sea buckthorn, are present on the Sefton Coast.