Tag Archives: Download

Odonata: Local Wildlife Site Selection Guidelines

These guidelines and site selection have been based upon the dragonfly atlas (White, SJ & Smith PH. 2015. The Dragonflies of Lancashire and North Merseyside. Lancashire & Cheshire Fauna Society.)

Od1 Any site which regularly supports a breeding population of ten or more species of dragonfly or damselfly.
Od2 Any site which regularly supports a breeding population of a rare or scarce North Merseyside breeding species

Species Action: Agapanthia villosoviridescens

This species is found mainly in moist meadows and hedgerows where adults feed mainly on umbellifers such as Heracleum sphondylium (Hogweed) and Anthriscus sylvestris (Cow Parsley). It is also found on nettles and thistles.
Their flight time is May to August but numbers peak in May and June. It is a stem boring species who’s larvae develop in the stalks of the host plant, working their way down while growing, eventually cutting off the stalk and creating pupal cells near to ground level. Adults emerge through a newly cut exit hole in the side of the stalk.
It is a large a very distinctive longhorn beetle, reaching a length of 10-22 millimetres. It has a golden, iridescent bloom on the elytra and thorax and the antennae are also very distinctive having dark and light bands.

North Merseyside Biodiversity Action Plan: Purple Ramping-fumitory

1 Current status 1.1 National Purple Ramping-fumitory is a nationally scarce, endemic annual plant which used to be widespread in the mixed farming and arable areas of Britain. However, during the last 50 years it has undergone a drastic decline throughout its former range due to agricultural intensification. Recent records of the plant are mainly… Read More »

North Merseyside Biodiversity Action Plan: Stonewort

1 Current status 1.1 National Stoneworts are large algae mostly associated with freshwater bodies ranging in size from deep lakes and canals to small ephemeral ponds. Most species require calcareous, low-nutrient conditions. They are, therefore, fairly restricted in distribution, being largely confined to high water quality habitats on sand, peat or clay substrates. Lesser Bearded… Read More »